Growth in the Children’s Print Market

At Pureprint, we print a large and growing range of publications for the children’s sector. From story books to magazines, textbooks and more; we’re lucky enough to work with a range of clients from self-publishers to large publishers and online retailers.

We have a unique understanding of the children’s market and offer competitive pricing, quick turnarounds, unmatched quality, and technical support. We’ve been printing children’s books for decades, it’s in our DNA.

Variable Printing

Variable print is a type of digital printing which allows the insertion of customised text and images, into a print run. It gives customers the ability to add deeper personalisation to a product, including adding a child’s name to a story, or even creating an avatar as part of the printed illustration.

The sector lends itself to continuous innovation, with technology at the core of its progression. The use of embedded content is increasing, including QR codes and continual subscription models. This allows customers to read the first part of the book physically and read the rest online, with a direct link to buy the next book.

We’ve been immersed in variable print for over 10 years, and the sector continues to see substantial growth with hardback, softback and layflat books proving the most popular with our clients.

Static Printing

Over the past couple of years, we have seen a shift from printing in Asia and shipping to Europe to printing directly in the UK.

By opting to print in/near market, gives our customers the ability to make any changes necessary, later in the production cycle. On top of this, our turnaround times are much faster, and our efficiency enables us to complete a project in a matter of days. We have the resources in-house to execute a project from start to finish including foiling, embossing and more.

A big part of Pureprints heritage is sustainability, and we’re always working with our clients to help them make more sustainable printing choices. Many of the businesses we work with are now opting to print closer to demand. This is powerful for inventory by reducing left over stock, and is great for the environment too, creating less waste. Combined with significantly reduced delivery miles, now makes a larger impact towards our clients net zero targets. We also have almost exclusive use of FSC papers and have been a CarbonNeutral® company for 20 years, the first printer in the UK to achieve such status.

It’s exciting to be part of an ever-growing market, with technology playing a large part in the evolution of children’s print.

Could we help you? Get in touch with us today to discuss your printing needs.